Tuesday, December 05, 2006

He's back...

I was at a conference last weekend for work, and came across an amazing book entitled "Getting In Touch with Your Inner Bitch." I bought it because I suffer from the terminal illnesses known as "The Good Girl Syndrom" and "Toxic Niceness." I hear that both illnesses are treatable with a simple remedy of saying "No."

Anyways, I was skimming through the book when I got back home on Sunday and had an ephiphany. There was a quote that struck me..."If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." It makes complete sense to me, so why didn't I think of that myself? I promptly made the conscious decision, that the next time a guy approaches me, rather than running away, which is what I normally do (even though I say I don't), I'll do the opposite...stay there, no matter how uncomfortable I feel, and see what happens.

Lo and behold, I check my email on Monday morning, and there's an email from HIM...as my friend says, my Steve Urkel. He's been chasing me off and on since high school ten years ago. My friends all know of him, although they've never met him, but our "relationship" (and I use that term very loosely is something of a comedy. The way he describes himself around other women, and the way he acts around me is completely different. His version of how we met and my version are completely different. How we kept in touch, and ended up going on a couple of dates again are different. He says I was his first love, but I don't believe him.

I know I've changed over the past ten years, and I hope to God he has too. I guess my dilemma is: what do I do? For all I know, all he wants is a friendship, but judging from the things he's said in past emails, it's likely that he wants more. And although I'm flattered by the attention, I can't figure out if I'm genuinely interested, or just happy about the attention (trust me folks, it happens very rarely for me). I haven't seen him in ten years, but the opportunity to see him is pretty much my call. I have a few events in the next two weeks that I can invite him to, but not sure if I should because I really do not want to lead him on. I have no problem being a friend to him, but not sure if I want more.

Advice? please?