Tuesday, October 21, 2008

it's all about the bling....

A little over a week ago I decided to run the San Antonio Full Marathon instead of the half marathon. Crazy, I know. Me...the chick who HATES to run, who HATES to sweat, who HATES to get dirty. The chick who doesn't have an athletic bone in my body...
or so I thought.

Who I was, I'm not anymore. Yes, I'm a klutz. That will never change. But unathletic? Not anymore. I, my dear sweet friends, am an athlete. I am a runner. Ok, maybe not a full fledged runner, but at least I'm out there...jogging and walking. I have no desire to win, but a desire to finish. It's not about WHEN I cross the finish line, but that I DO cross the finish line. It's not about how FAST I do it, it's about HOW I do it.

There's a point to this, I promise.

Think about your own lives...the journeys that you are on. For some of you, you've been dealing with bs for quite a while now. And I'm sure the thought going on through your head is, "God, WHEN is this going to be over?? How LONG do I have to deal with (insert issue, problem, or person here)."

Guess what?! It's not about how long you go through that trial, it's about how you go through that trial. Whether you finish first or last, the prize at the end of the race is the same. Whether it takes me 4 hours or 7.5 hours to complete that marathon, my bling will be exactly the same as all those that finished before me...and it might be a little shinier to me because of all the aches and pains that I experienced trying to get it...

Are you going to come out of your race drenched in sweat but with a smile on your face saying that the pain was totally worth the bling? Or are you going to quit in the middle, regretting walking away? Or are you going to finish but complaining about all the aches and pains, and promising never to race again?

I know how I want to finish my race...what about you?