Sunday, November 23, 2008

I did what?!

It's been a week. This time last week, I was sitting in Mi Tierra's in San Antonio having dinner with GCRC, the greatest running club ever. This time last week, I was sititng there, barely conscious, with a heavy piece of hardware hanging from my neck. This time last week, I had just completed my first FULL 26.2 MARATHON!

I'm still having trouble comprehending it. I still haven't wrapped my head around what I did. It's STILL a blur to me.

I can tell you this though...the first 5 miles, although cold, were fairly easy. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being a mosquito bite, and 10 being childbirth, I think the pain factor was maybe a 3. My ankles were killing me, as they often do, but I wasn't giving in. Shortly after mile 6, I broke my cardinal rule of not going to the bathroom during a race, and took a 20 minute break waiting for the restroom at the Valero station (still haven't used a port-a-pottie!!! woo hoo!). Miles 6-13 were ok, just painful, and I wasn't sure I could do it, although failure wasn't an option. 13-26.2 were a complete blur. I just remember long, quiet, desolate roads going through the missions of San Antonio. I don't remeber what I thought about or what I contemplated...actually, I don't think I thought about much during that 26.2 trek.

I can tell you this though...I completed a freakin marathon last Sunday. 26.2 miles. I could NOT have done it without the 3 Amigas, Jennifer and Angie...Ladies, you rock, and I thank you so much for encouraging me and guiding me and pulling me along, even when I wasn't in the best moods.

Thank you to all of you who prayed, who sent text messages, who called, and especially Pat who brought cookies, although if you text me those "encouraging" messages again, I'll have to hurt you!

A freakin marathon...holy cow! Yes, I'll do it again in a'll either be San Antonio, OR Vegas in Dec. 09... WOO HOO!!!!

Sunday, November 09, 2008


I'm in a mood.

Not a bad mood. I'm not angry, I'm not upset, not even sad. Actually, quite the opposite.

I'm excited, and I don't know why.

I feel anxious...I'm anticipating something, but I don't know what it is. It's like God has whispered something beautifully wonderful and fabulous in my ear, but I wasn't paying attention, and I can't remember what He told me...I just know that whatever it was/is that's coming, it's gonna be great.

It could be this marathon that's coming up, but I don't think it is. I literally feel like dancing. As a matter of fact, at this very moment, I have my favorite songs playing on my computer, and every once in a while, I'll get up and dance around in my room...silly, I know, but I know you do it to, so don't even TRY to pretend that I'm goofy. We already know that I am and you are too :-)

Anyways, anticipation...I feel something great coming. Not sure what it is, but I know God's been preparing me for it, whatever it is. I'm soooo not the chick I was 6 months ago, and even less of who I was a year ago...a broken shell of myself slowly trying to pick myself back up and put myself back together again. I'm Dawn, new and improved, stronger, smarter, and better than ever!

I can't WAIT to see what God has in store for me crazy, but I KNOW it's gonna be good!