Monday, October 16, 2006


For the past week, I've had two dreams that have kind of freaked me out...both involving my psycho stalker (if you don't know who that is, read my previous blog). My psycho stalker isn't really psycho. He's a nice guy who's pursued me for the past 10 years. Apparently I was his first love (we only went on two dates), and everytime I finally think I've gotten rid of him, he pops back into my life via phone call, greeting card/letter, or email. He's absolutly not my type, but in the first dream, I was two months preggers with his kid, and in the second dream, he came over to my parents' house (i was living there in the dream) and had breakfast with me.

This concerns me for two reasons: #1 - i have no romantic feelings towards him whatsoever, so why the heck am i dreaming about him, and #2 - is this God's way of telling me i'm supposed to be with him??? because if so, God and I are gonna have to have a very serious chat.

on another note, the guy that i am interested in, never called, so i guess that's the end of that. people keep telling me that i'm too picky...but seriously folks, is hoping that the guy i'm dating be financially stable and independent, lives on his own, have a heart for God,and knows how to treat a lady with respect too much to ask? i don't think that's being picky. i think that's knowing that that's what i deserve. i don't want some guy that's so messed up i have to fix him. i'm not super woman. i don't have magical powers. i cannot change a guy. i don't want him to change for me...if he's gonna change, he has to do it for himself. otherwise, what the heck is he doing it for??

whew...i feel better now...thanks :-)

1 comment:

Datbury said...

10 years? Stalking for ten years? Perhaps he's your Erkel? Okay, that wasn't very funny.

I'd say pray on it. God works in mysterious ways, and I have already scheduled a meeting with him to discuss certain people he's put into my life.