Saturday, May 24, 2008


I did it. I conqured COMBAT Triathlon today. I did NOT let it conquer me. I woke up this morning, before many of you, and by 7:00am, had recieved my chip, gotten body marked, stopped by the bike tent to get plugs, and was standing by the pool ready to jump in.

The first event was swimming; by far my weakest event. But, as I stepped into the pool area, and realized that I had likely swum double the length in training, I started to feel a little better. I COULD do this. I was second from last to jump in, and I swam the best I could...there were a few times I had to walk, but I mostly swam all 300 yards...I even left two people in the pool after me! My goal time was 20 minutes, my finish time was 9:52...yeah, insane! I don't know that I've ever done 300 yards continuously like that before! WOO HOO!

After that, it was time for the biking event. I had to tear off my swim cap and googles, somehow manage to dry off a bit (although I've now learned that towels and being dry are overrated!), pull some socks on, throw some shoes on, but let's not forget to put on the helmet and click it BEFORE doing all of this...I would have been penalized for even touching my bike without my helmet on! Take a swig of gatorade, and off I go...running my bike past the hot pink mount line...15 miles, here we come!

The biking was insane. The wind was strong, but the cloud cover was nice. The TCPD had all the lights flashing, so it was nice to run a flashing red light and have everyone stop for me...The first leg seemed to be going ok...until I had to go over the Holland St. overpass. I clicked in to my lowest gear, and my quads screamed! I think I invented a few four letter words too (sorry Mom!), because that hill was brutal! Finally, what I thought was the hardest part was over...boy was I wrong! I was now riding directly into the wind, for literally 10 miles maybe? This is where I seriously thought about dropping out of the race. I had passed another cyclist a few miles back, and by the time I looked around again, the SAG vehicle was behind me...this is where I didn't want to be...the last cyclist in with the SAG vehicle. I had to start willing myself to pedal, and by God's grace, I did. Made the turn around, and headed back to College of the Mainland, where I heard a HUGE roar of cheers and encouragement. All the finishers had come to line the cycle chute in, and were cheering for me to ride strong and finish. That, I did! I was so overcome by emotion, I started crying before I even got off my bike. I dismounted at the hot pink dismount line, ran my bike into the wrong row, picked up, racked it, took off my helmet, put on my race belt and fuel belt, grabbed my hat, and ran out of the transition area amid a thunderous roar of more cheers and encouragement. I don't know if that crowd will ever really understood what they did for me!

Ok, now to the 5k..running out of the three events is my strongest, but I was soooo tired, I couldn't run anymore, so I walked the entire 5k. At that point, I didn't care. I just wanted to finish. I never stopped, although I seriously wanted to. I had a great conversation with God along the way, and really learned what I was made of. At one point, I did feel like I was going to pass out, but I literally just kept moving, even though the SAG vehicle was STILL behind me, picking up the course. All of a sudden, I heard "GO DAWN!!!" I looked up and saw my fabulous training group BAM waiting for me...the people who had encouraged me all along in notes, and training rides, were right there waiting on me again. As soon as I heard that, I started to run. I really have no idea where the energy came from, but there it was, and I used it to run to them. As much as I wanted to stop, they wouldn't let me, but they did let me walk a little once I got to them...they just kept up with the constant reassurances that I was ALMOST done...and when I saw the finish chute, another burst of energy (and tears) started...all 400 competitors were lined along the chute, yelling for me, cheering me on, and out of no where I heard "DAWN (insert last name here), BAY AREA MULTISPORT, A JOB WELL DONE!!!!" As I crossed the finish line, I jumped up and hit the banner. I was done. I conquered COMBAT and did not let it conquer me I AM A TRIATHLETE!

Yes, me...the girl who was always picked last to be on the team in gym class. The girl who was teased for being the slowest runner. The girl who HATES to sweat. I overcame the fear, I overcame the nervousness and anxiety, and I finished that race: 300 yard swim, 15 mile bike, 5k run/walk. Despite the lack of training, despite the obstacles, I've now done something that NO ONE ever thoght I'd do...all thanks to GOD! And I finished in less than 2:30 which was my goal time!


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