Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mt. Evarist

Quietly, she stands. Ever so strong, but beautiful. She doesn't let anyone take advantage of her, and will let you know once you have. She brings out the best in everyone who comes near her. She's like the flame to the moth; people are drawn to her gentleness, kindness, and heart. She's a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand, and will be brutally honest with you. Oh yeah, she has an aversion to BS too :-).

She never says a word, just watches everyone, and offers opinions or advice when asked. She gives and loves unconditionally regardless of if she needs it more. She's kind, she's loving, she's hilarious, and pretty damn smart. She's put up with a lot in her 53 years of life, and despite the hardships she's faced, she's handled them with beauty and grace.

She's Mt. Evarist, and she's my mom.

Happy Mother's Day Mom! I LOVE YOU!

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