Sunday, May 18, 2008


I have a stalker. Yes, I'm serious. I call him my psycho stalker because he messes with my head. If you've known me for any number of years, than you've heard about him. I'll give you the back story.

I met him in junior year of high school while on a school orchestra trip to New Orleans. He was staying on the same floor of the same hotel, and you know how that goes. The floor was filled with high school students from all over Houston, and we all started hanging out with each other and what not. We hit it off, exchanged phone numbers and kept in touch.

We kept in touch for a little while, until he started calling 3x a day every day at the same time (2:30, 4:30, 8:30)...every single day. I started avoiding his calls, because it was getting very weird. Soon they stopped, but once senior year rolled around, he started calling again, once a month to ask me to his prom. EVERY MONTH. I said no, and kept saying no, until April rolled around and I realized I had no date. So, out of desperation for a date, I accepted the date to his prom on the condition that he'd go to mine. And it went downhill there.

We won't rehash my prom or his, because again, if you've known me for a while, then you've heard the "Prom date from hell" story.

Ok, fast forward a few years into college...sophomore year to be exact. I get a letter that has no return address in a bright yellow envelope. It's from him. Telling me that he's moved out, and has his own place now, and I can come visit whenever I want...and then every other line is: i miss you, you can come over whenever, or call me, even if it's 3 in the morning. i miss you, come over. i miss you...

I didn't write back.

Then, while on some holiday break, he calls. I have my male cousin answer the phone and pretend he's my boyfriend to give the Psycho the message. I'm not interested, leave me alone.
Guess what? He wrote me again...a few years later, I'm out of college, and teaching, living in Clear Lake. He sent a card to my parents' house. It was a beautiful card talking about how we've been such great friends all these years, and a handwritten note about how much he misses me and hopes that we can continue the friendship, and that I'll write back...he INCLUDED the SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED envelope and paper to write back on.

I didn't write back.

2006 rolls around...I'm one of the contacts for my high school reunion. My info is out in the world for classmates to get a hold of me...guess who finds me...yep. He sends me an email, and I think to myself, you know, it's been 10 years. I've changed, I'm sure he has...let's, I email him back. Things are going fine, he SEEMS normal, all is well. But, I have my guard up. We email back and forth for a while, talk on the phone, but then he stopped calling and biggie for me.

Until December 2006. That's when he crossed over into creepy. He started with the i miss you's and i have all these feelings for you, and i'm not crazy, you're the only one i can talk to, i need you, no one listens to me but you. He was supposed to go to my graduation, but after all that, I asked him not to go, and quit contacting me. i let him know flat out that he made me uncomfortable, and that "this" whatever "this" was, was over. no more.

Guess what...I think he showed up to my graduation. After I crossed the stage, I got a 5 minute voice mail from him saying that I coulnd't stop him from showing up, and if he wanted to be there, he'd be there...he went on for 5 minutes pretty much yelling into the phone.

Yes, I've contacted the police. It's my understanding that because he hasn't tried to hurt me or come near me, I can't do anything about it...

I've heard from him a few times since then, when his dad died, and other random emails, and I havne't responded to any of them.

He texted me on Friday from an unknown number, and once I realized who it was, I again asked him to leave me alone. He continued to text me saying that he was hoping I'd changed my mind, and when i replied that I hadn't, he said "you should." WTF? Some more texts transpired after that, but oh well.

I'm very creeped out by all of this. Bottom line, I'm changing my email address and cell . It's not changed yet, but it will be soon, and if you are priviledged enough to get it, do not share it without my permission.

Please just keep me in your thoughts and prayers...

love you all!

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