Saturday, July 26, 2008


Last night. or rather this morning, around 12:30AM, an alarm belonging to a car right outside my window went off. I was sound asleep. After what seemed like forever, but in reality was maybe 2 minutes, it finally ceased. As I began to drift off to dreamland, it went off again! I got out of bed to investigate, and there sat a maroon Maxima with it's lights flashing and alarm blazing. I thought that maybe it was a cat that set the alarm off, and soon enough, the alarm stopped. Praise God! You see, I had to get up early to join my running club, GCRC, for our weekly group run. I hadn't run in quite a while, and was anxious to get back out there.

So anyway, I got back into bed, closed by eyes, and lo and behold, the alarm started back up again. And proceeded to go off every 2-3 minutes until about 5AM! Needless to say, I did not get any the time the alarm finally shut off (or maybe the owners finally realized it was their car), it was time for me to get ready to run.

I begrudgingly got out of bed, and got ready to meet my group. Had a decent 5 mile run/walk (ok, mostly walk), and came home ready to get my nap ... before heading out to tutor for the day...

And as I drifted off into dreamland once again, a bird sat perched outside my window and decided to have an screeching contest with another bird. Needless to say, I'm not sleeping. As tired as I am, as much as I want to sleep, these noises, or distractions are keeping me from my long awaited slumber.

I wonder if that's what God feels like with us. There he is, sitting right beside us, with us at all times, patiently waiting for us to come to Him with our troubles, with our triumphs...and we keep getting distracted. Distracted by the car alarms and screeching birds of life. All he wants is us...he doesn't care how long it's been, or what we've been up to...he just want us.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting some earplugs to silence all those distractions...

What are you going to do?

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