Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kidnapped for my own good...

Today I was kidnapped. My friend Rebecca came and picked me up, then picked up our friend Pat, and then we went out to lunch. Ok, so maybe not kidnapped, but they helped me realize a few things.

Just because you ask for help doesn't mean you're inconveniencing anyone. If they couldn't help, they would say no.

Sometimes, offered help isn't just about you, it's about the person offering the help.

Today was the first day in about a week that I didn't worry about my car. And today, I go some great news...the insurance company is paying for my car! I have to pay the deductible obviously, but, I'm actually saving about $300 (from the first quote)

I'm so freakin happy right now! I'm truly blessed!!!

Thank you for the prayers and well wishes!!! You all are wonderful!

1 comment:

RunnerGirl30 said...

I told you everything would turn out fine!!! I really missed you this morning! Anyways, have fun at the women's retreat, see ya soon! Jen