Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Update: When it rains it pours


This morning at 7am, I took my car to yet ANOTHER car place to get a 3rd opinion. I sat there for about 2 hours while they checked it out, and finally I heard my name called. Only this time, they didn't have the estimate. They wanted me to go back to the garage and look at the underside of my car...

Boy, I must have some very tired guardian angels...because my car is in bad shape right now.
A few months ago, I drove over a metal box (I think) in the road. It was either drive over it, or hit one of the two 18-wheelers on both sides of me, or get seriously rear-ended by the big truck behind me...I figured the metal box was the lesser of the evils and would do it again in a minute. Well, when that happened, and I heard the loud THUNK, I knew that I had hit it, and immediately pulled over to investigate any damage. I didn't see any damage, nor did I see any leaking. I drove around for a few days to see if anything sounded weird, but I didn't....so with that, I went on my merry way.

Until Thursday, when I went in for my yearly inspection, which I failed, and was given 15 days to repair my car.

On first inspection, all car place 1 found wrong was the cracked exhaust manifold.
On second inspection, car place 2 said cracked manifold, catalytic convertor, gasket, and muffler.
And today, the third inspection at car place 3, here's what's wrong with my car:cracked gasket, cracked catalytic convertor, cracked exhaust manifold, cracked subframe (which could completly tear up the brand new tires I just bought), cracked muffler, AND cracked fuel tank (HELLO...do you see how dangerous this could be???)

The mechanics all came around and were asking me how long I had been driving my car with all this damage, and I said I didn't know, because I didn't. But, they also said that I was incredibly lucky that nothing had happened to me or my car.

So, for those of you praying for me, THANK YOU!!! I know that everything happens for a reason, and I don't even want to THINK about what could have happened, what might of happened, or what didn't happen (although I'm thanking GOD nothing happened.) My guardian angels must be tired from guarding me so much....

Now unfortunately, the estimate is now 5x the original quote, but I'm hoping my insurance will cover it. We'll see...

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