Friday, June 27, 2008

Be Still and Know...

Tonight was an amazing night. As I stood/sat in KSBJ's auditorium, I saw God at work. I felt His presence, and I heard stories that took my breath away. Sharathon, for me, isn't just about giving back to a ministry that gives to me; it's also a renewal of my faith. I see people I only see once a year. I check in with them, catch up with them, pray with them, and laugh with them.

I think one of the best parts of the Sharathon is listening to all the stories...not just from the listeners, but from the volunteers too. Sharathon is FILLED with people who are in different places in their walk with Christ. Some have just started, and others have been on this journey for quite a while. Take me for example; I'm a cradle Catholic...I've gone to church all my life. I went to Sunday School, participated in youth group, taught Sunday School, went on retreats, helped organize retreats, pretty much, done it all...BUT in doing all those things...did I REALLY know God? In doing all those church things, and appearing to be filled with faith, was I really leading the life I should have been living? I would answer that question with this...yes AND no...Yes, I was leading the life I should have been leading, and still am, but No...I don't know God like I should. Yes, I pray, Yes I have faith, but I'm still not where i want or need to be.

Last night (it's Friday morning now...I went to sleep!), I sat in KSBJ's auditorium with the staff and volunteers and listend to the talented and amazing AMY GRANT, speak to us and sing to us. She flew in from Dallas to surprise us . Anyway, she sang this beautiful song that brought me to tears. There was really no reason for me to cry, but just the simplicity of the song spoke to my soul. "Be still and know"...amid the cell phones, ipods, and everything else we use to silence the storm we call life, we just need to be still and LISTEN to the whisper that is God's voice. Yes, there are times He has to raise His voice at us...isn't that what a good parent does? God isn't just this all powerful force that guides me. He's my father, my daddy God, my homeboy, my palanca, my bff...

Be still and know...that despite the feeling in my heart, maybe I'm not as bad off as I thought I was...

Be still and know...that when God's ready for something to happen, HE'll make it happen...

Be still and know...that God is ALL POWERFUL...anything can happen if it's according to HIS will...

Be still and know...that HE loves you with all HIS heart...doesn't matter what you've done or said. HE loves you and just wants you back...

Be still and know...that HIS plan may not be OUR plan...and that's ok.

Be still and know...that it's ok...whatever IT will be ok. Just turn it all over to HIM.

ok, so I don't know where all that just came from, I just felt led to say, there it is. Hope it helps someone. Sharathon does this to me every year...and I LOVE IT! still and LISTEN to the whisper that is God's voice...what is He trying to tell you? To show you? Be still and know...

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