Sunday, June 22, 2008

High Maintence People

Have you ever had a "high maintence" friend...or maybe you dated someone like this. You know, someone who had to have it their way all the time...OR, someone one who had to have things just so. and if you deviated from that plan just once, they freaked out, or even someone who asks for help, you give requested help, and then they get all pissy that you helped...EVEN though they requested the help.

Ok, so it sounds like I'm talking about me, but I'm not. Work with me here...

I wonder about high maintence people. Yes, I APPEAR to be high maintence, but in reality, I'm not. I'm more of a people pleaser. If I want to do something, and majority doesn't, then I go with majority. If I want your opinion, I'll ask for it, and the only time I EXPECT to be the center of attention is on my birthday :-) Otherwise, no, it doesn't have to be all about me (although I certainly enjoy when it is )

Ok, so back to what I was saying...high maintence do you deal with them? How do you deal with someone who wants things just so, and can't bend even a tiny bit? Ask me my opinion, and I'll give it. I'll be brutally honest. I'm of the thought that if you didn't want an honest answer then you shouldn't have asked me. Is that rude or mean?

I don't know...high maintence people make me crazy, and I guess from now on, I'll just keep my mouth shut, even when they request my assistance...

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