Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Father's Child...

If you had known me when I was a little girl, you would have known in a heart beat that I'm a "Daddy's girl." If you had known me in junior high high school, you probably would have thought I didn't have a dad, and if you would have met me in college, you would have known I had a dad, but probably thought I hated him with a passion.

My dad and I haven't always had the greatest relationship. There have been A LOT of hurts. A lot of broken promises, a lot of arguments, a lot of things that I shouldn't have had to deal with growing up. But, despite all that, here I am, with the best dad on earth (yes guys, y'all are great too...but we're talking about MY daddy here...)

My dad will walk to the ends of the earth for me (and you). Mess with me, and you'll see him come UNGLUED...I know my dad loves me with all his heart. He's a hard worker, the most giving man I know, and makes the BEST grilled sandwiches, milkshakes, and BBQ ever. He'll go without so that I can have. Even now, living on my own, paying my own bills, doing my own thing, my dad still takes care of me. He's my fix it guy, my handyman :-)

Don't get me wrong...we still don't have the best relationship, but he's my dad, and I love him...despite the past hurts. I know how far he's come from what's he's dealt with in his own life.
So, to my dad...

Thank you for being the man you are. Thank you for the scrabble games, the rummy games, the checkers games. Thanks for teh first dances, the first dates, the driving lesson (yeah, we only lasted 20 minutes before WW3 ensued), using the machete on all dates, my first car, truck stops, water jug juice, homemade coconut ice cream, helping my friends out EVEN if they didn't ask for it, crabbing and fishing trips, and never making me eat the healthy stuff...
Thank you for giving me your all, even when there wasn't much there.

I love you Daddy! Happy Father's Day!

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