Saturday, June 28, 2008

Witnessing a Miracle...

Yesterday, I witnessed a miracle. I saw God reach down His hand and bless a ministry that I love with all my heart.

I'm not going to lie. For a moment, I wasn't sure it was going to happen; but as soon as that thought creeped into my mind, I got it out just as fast.

For the past three days, I have been at KSBJ (the greatest radio station EVER) to volunteer at Sharathon, their annual fundraising event. KSBJ is a listener supported station, which means that they don't get $$ from commercials. They don't even play commercials. They get grants from other ministries, and giving listeners such as myself (I know I sound like I'm on their payroll, but I'm not).

Anyway, they had a goal of $310,000 for their monthly operations, and $1.7 million for their special projects. In all the years I've volunteered for this station, the goals have usually been met on day 2, or very early on day 3. This year was different though. The monthly goal was met early on Day 3, but the special projects was still OVER a million $$ away...
Talk about scary!

I, along with the rest of the volunteers and staff, cautiously watched the numbers go up, but we were nervous. Yes, we kept saying that this was God sized goal, and that HE could take care of it, but I'm pretty sure there was a moment of doubt for everyone in that room.

It was so incredibly awesome to watch the DJs and KSBJ staff walk around and just keep working as though all was good...and it was.

But then, it happened. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. The numbers kept going up very slowly, and then, all of a sudden, they started speeding up by the thousands...people were calling in. An energetic peace came over the room, and everyone just started praying and praising God all at the same time.

And then at 10:00pm, we met our goal: 1.7 million dollars. Pledged by the giving listeners of KSBJ.

Now, I know you're wondering why the recap. There's a lesson in all of this...I promise. Just stay with me for a little bit longer :-)

I can't explain to you the feeling I had in that room. I prayed as though I had never prayed before. I had energy like I had never had before. I FELT the holy spirit come over me, and it was all I could do to just stand there and watch.

The lesson is this: There is NO job too big or too small for God. I think we were getting a little complacent in the knowledge that we ALWAYS seemed to meet our goals so early. This time, we had to work for it...we had to SHOW our faith, instead of just saying we had the faith. We had to wait for God instead of rushing the job. We had to keep believing, even though we were all very nervous.

Isn't that what life is all about? Having faith in the unseen. Believing in God's power, despite what's going on in our heads? Knowing that through Christ, ALL things are possible? Trusting in Him, loving Him, honoring Him, and being faithful to Him? Isn't that what we are called to do on a daily basis?

I don't know what's going on in your life. Maybe you're having money problems, or relationship problems, or maybe life just sucks for you. But, have faith. Whatever it is that you're doing, I'm pretty sure there's a whisper somewhere in there telling you that it's wrong, or it's not right, or you probably shouldn't be doing it...why aren't you listening? I know there are many things for me that I probably shouldn't be doing...or rather, should be doing, that I'm not. Namely, going to church. Yes, I go to Mass most Sundays, but just because I'm there, doesn't mean I'm present. And that's something I'm going to change. I have to.

What do you have to change?

I witnessed a miracle last night. It was the most amazing thing ever. I think that feeling will stay with me for a while, and I'll do everything I can to get back to where I used to be.

Wait, let me correct that last statement.

I don't want to go BACK...I want to move FORWARD. Maybe I was supposed to lose a little faith, so that I would remember what it felt like to have that want instead of just being comfortable. Maybe having my flame flicker in and out was supposed to remind me what it was like to have a raging fire? Well, my embers are being stirred, and I feel the fire finally growing again, and I'm getting to where God wants me...

I witnessed a miracle last night...and it wasn't in the auditorium of KSBJ...

It was in me :-)

1 comment:

Tigpan said...

Love this girl. This is how I felt as I reflected back on the things God taught me this year. I am so excited about a year of "new beginnings" what will they entail for me! :) I can't wait to get back and give testimony next year!