Sunday, November 15, 2009

View from the Top: Part 2

I didn't think part 2 would be necessary when I wrote the first note. But apparently it is...

At dinner with friends tonight, the following question was asked:

When did it become okay for men to stop opening doors, pulling out chairs, and be chivalrous?
When did it become okay for men to stop pursuing women?
When did it become okay for a woman to pay for her own meal on a date?

There are all these books for women on how to find, date, and keep Mr. Right, but are there books for men on how to find, date, and keep Miss Right?!

Are men so afraid of offending, or dare I say REJECTION, that they don't know how to 'man up' and take control of a dating situation? I'm sorry if I offend, but I'm just trying to understand WHY men don't pursue women anymore...

I realize that there's women's lib, and women like to be independent, and don't need men to do a lot of things for them, HOWEVER, this is one independent women who likes to be pursued. I realize it's okay for women to ask men out, and call men, and pursue men, are we doing a disservice to men by being TOO independent?

I'd LOVE your thoughts (from men AND women) on this...

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