Sunday, November 15, 2009

The State of Dawn

Every year on my birthday, I write a "state of teh union" address...tonight, the guy @ Potbelly asked me what I wanted for my birthday...did I want anything special, he asked...well, here's my response.

I want pay off all my bills and my family's bills.

I want true be with the man of God's dreams for me, to start a family, and build a life together...

I want peace, in all areas of my life where there's unrest.

And then, in thinking of all the things that I want for my birthday, I realized that what I do have, is MORE than what I could ever ask for.

Yes, I have bills to pay...more bills than I'd like to pay. However, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my fridge, electricity to run that fridge, a car to drive, and tons of NON-essentials that I'm very blessed to have.

Yes, I want true love. I want a husband and a family. However, I"m blessed with the unconditional love of God, my father. I'm also blessed with the unconditional love of my family and my friends. My husband, well he'll come soon enough, IF and WHEN God is ready to share me.

Yes, I want peace. But peace can also be misinterpreted as complacentcy. I have peace in my life. The areas of unrest are areas where I know I'd like to see change, but for whatever reason, God's still working on those aspects of my life. Those areas of unrest are like a grain of sand in an oyster. Although annoying and pesky, eventually that unrest will turn in to a beautiful pearl of life!!

I have to say, I was not looking forward to my 30th year, but what a blast it has been. Like a fine wine, I get better with age, and I'm looking forward to sharing my 31st year (any many many many more) with each and every one of you.

Love you!!


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